HYSG combines deep knowledge from 2 sources of wellness practice.
One is the traditional Chinese source – body-mind-qi practice and meridians knowledge.
The other is not rooted in any particular culture but rather more universal – that the body can be understood as the Inner Expression of our “Self”, or what I call our Personhood.
The body can be approached in many ways – we can talk about individual organs or we can talk about systems. We can see systems separately or as connected to each other, affecting each other. We can think of pathways and abodes – meridians and stores, river and lakes in the body. We can address it at the physical level, energetic level or mental level. Just as you can understand your life and your personhood from many angles. In fact, the reason the body exists in so many parts and systems – and levels – is that it manifests our “self” in all aspects.
In this practice you will learn what the different parts and systems of your body manifest about you. You will learn to read the body and its health conditions. And learn to address illnesses not only with exercise or qigong, but also mentally. And not just for illnesses, but also for strengthening and maintaining our health.
Together with the mental exercises, you will also learn to
-grow and flow qi into meridians
-connect organs with meridians
-increase the body’s store of qi
-create strength and flexibility in lower back and legs.
Holistic Yang Sheng Gong classes are conducted every Wednesday 7.30pm to 9.00pm at the National Stadium Gate 22.
If you are coming, please email Master Pern Yiau at taijigong@gmail.com to make sure class is on.